Parents Rights: What Kind Of Rights Are They?

Parents Rights: What Kind Of Rights Are They?

by: Sumayyah bint Joan

The biggest right over mankind is that of Almighty Allah. Emaan (Faith) in and obedience to Him are our first and foremost duties. After these are the responsibilities of domestic life and fulfillment of these responsibilities by trying to correct and construct the domestic life, is a social need as well as a religious duty.

Rights of Non-Muslims

By Sheikh al-Othaimeen.

Non-Muslim is a broad term that covers all those who are disbelievers in the faith and principles of Islam. These people are classified into four categories as follows:
• Warriors
• Peace seekers
• Peace truce holders
• Non-Muslims living or residing in an lslami-governed country.

Moral System in Islam

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful

Islam has laid down some universal fundamental rights for humanity as a whole, which are to be observed and respected under all circumstances. To achieve these rights Islam provides not only legal safeguards but also a very effective moral system. Thus whatever leads to the welfare for the individual or the society is morally good in Islam. Thus whatever leads to the welfare of the individual or the society is morally good in Islam and whatever is injurious is morally bad. Islam attaches so much importance to the love of God and love of man that it warns against too much of formalism.

The Right of the Fetus to life: Islamic Ruling on ABORTION

By: Dr. Hassan A. Abou Ghuddah

All jurists have agreed that it is prohibited to abort the fetus after breathing the spirit in it one after hundred twenty days (four months) of gestation. This is clearly put down by the Prophet’s saying narrated by AI-Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of Ibn Masoud, may Allah be pleased with him, stating that:
“Each one of you is formed in the uterine as a sperm at forty days, as a clot following the same period and as an embryo following the same period; following which the angel is sent to breathe the spirit in him…”

Human Rights in Islam

In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the merciful

Since God is the absolute and the sole master of men and the universe, He is the sovereign Lord, the Sustainer and Nourisher, the Merciful, Whose mercy enshrines all beings; and since He has given each man human dignity and honor, and breached in to him of His own spirit, it follows that, united in Him and through Him, and apart from their other human attributes, men are substantially the same and no tangible and actual distinction can be made among them, on account of their accidental differences such as nationality, color or race. Every human being is there by related to all others and all become one community of brotherhood in their honorable and pleasant servitude to the most compassionate Lord of the Universe. In such a heavenly atmosphere at Islamic confession of the oneness of God stands dominant and central, and necessarily entails the concept of the oneness of humanity and the brotherhood of mankind.

How True Faith Affects the Society?

By: Prof.Dr. Ja’afar Sheikh edrees

I would like to start with a question: Why is faith made as the basis and primary pillar of religion?
It may come to the minds of some people, especially in this modern age when concrete and visible things are given remarkable consideration, that apparent good deeds like charity, good treatment of people and fighting for the sake of Allah should be given preference to faith. Hence, why Allah gave such a sublime position to an inner thing although we evaluate people by the activities they undertake in our sensible world not by the concepts they have in their hearts or consciences.

Bridge Building Between Christians And Muslims

Dr. Jamal Badawi

All grace is due to Allah, Creator and Sustainer of the universe, and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His servant, messenger and the seal of all the prophets and messengers in history. May Allah’s peace and blessing be upon them all?
I’d like first to express my thanks and appreciation to those who arranged this seminar, and I do hope that we leave it with a better understanding of each other and with more positive attitudes.